Hire UI/UX Designer
Hire UI/UX designers to create intuitive designs for applications, software, and websites. Minimaldot provides technically and culturally experienced design professionals.
Hire UI/UX designers in 4 steps
1. Describe your need
Tell the Minimal Dot team about your project requirements. For example, define the approximate number of UI/UX designers to hire, their specifications, how experienced they should be, and what workflow is best for you.
2. Review candidates
Check out the profiles of the candidates selected by our HR team. Hire a mobile UI designer according to your requirements and needs. After selecting the candidates, we’ll help you coordinate the final interview.
3. Finalize your choice
After deciding which UI/UX designer you’d like to hire, we will help new team members easily integrate into your project. We also offer to choose a management style and tools to control the workflow.
4. Begin development
After approving the candidates and integrating them into the project development, we’ll help you in the project’s administration. Working with Minimal Dot will save you money compared to how you would hire them yourself.
UI/UX services our developers are skilled at:
Services: Discovery Phase, UX/UI Design for Web and Mobile Apps, UX/UI Audit, Design Support, HMI Design, Bran Design, Corporate Identity, Redesign (web, app, software, and more).
Deliverables: Requirements, Personas, and Scenarios, Storyboards, Improvements Strategy, Customer Journey Maps, Wireframes, Sitemaps, Finalized Mockups, Prototypes, Style guides, Testing Reports, Use Cases.
Tools: Sketch, Miro, Adobe XD, Photoshop, Illustrator, Figma, After Effects, Adobe Animate, Balsamiq, FlowMapp, Proto.io, Marvel.
Engagement models
Decide which model best suits your project
Dedicated team
Extend your staff with remote specialists that are fully under your control. We take care of their administration and professional development.
Product development
Bring your idea and commission a product. We handle everything from business analysis through the development and the product launch.